2024-02-06Waking up inside an enormous tent in the Sahara Desert in Morocco, you are unlikely to miss any of the luxuries that come with a top-end hotel suite. ...
2024-02-07爱思英语编者按:假期来啦,你都准备去哪里旅行呢?想出国玩一圈是不是又担心自己的词汇量不够呢?没关系,简单一篇文章教会你最基本的那些词汇。Flying Off on Holiday Soon? You Might Find this Preparation Vocabulary Useful.Davi...
旅游必备APP推荐 轻松出行 快乐享受
2024-02-07爱思英语编者按:旅行原本是件乐事,但繁琐的行程安排往往令人焦头烂额。如何轻松出行、快乐相伴呢?或许,下面这几款旅行软件可以帮到你。The organizational side of a holiday can often be so stressful or daunting that it ta...
2024-02-07King: How about we taking a tour to Hawaii? I havea 2-wooks' vacation.金:咱们去夏威夷旅行怎么样呢?我有两个星期的假期。Jenny:That sounds fantabulous.I have dreamed of goi...
2024-02-07Front Desk: Royal Hotel, can I help you?前台:皇家酒店,我能为您服务吗?Tom: Yes. I urgently need a room for tomorrow night, and do you have any vacancies?汤姆:我急需一个房间要...
2024-02-09At the lost-found office of deportment store在百货公司的失物招领处Tom: Excuse me, could you help me?汤姆:对不起,能不能帮我一个忙?Lost Property clerk (L): Yes. What seems to b...
2024-02-09Linda: I'm ready for a new hairdo. Do you have any suggestions?琳达:我准备换个新发型,你有什么建议吗?Hairdresser: Have you taken a look at any of the new styles lat...
2024-02-09Hairdresser: Good morning, madam.Guest: Good morning. I would like a shampoo and set.Hairdresser: Yes, madam. What style do you want?Guest: I'd li...
2024-02-10CHARLIE: Excuse me. Is anyone in that seat next to you?ANGELA: No, I don't think so.CHARLIE: Do you mind if I put my jacket there?ANGELA: No. It...
2024-02-11OFFICER: May I see your passport please?CHARLES: Here is my passport. And this is the declaration form.OFFICER: What is the purpose of your visit to t...