
  • 波兰首都-华沙


    Warsaw (Poland)Don't be disheartened(沮丧)when you arrive in Warsaw and you discover it is not an Eastern European paradise. The city is really a bi...

  • Greenland(Where Santa Claus comes) Santa is from Greenland, according to an edict from the 40th annual Father Christmas World Congress.Ice and snowGre...

  • 法国首都-巴黎


    Paris (France)Arc de TriompheThe discovery of the City of Light and the experience of making it your own is and always has been the most compelling re...

  • Geneva (Switzerland) Promenade de Saint-Antoine (It takes its name from a chapel consecrated to Saint Anthony that once stood against the gate of the ...

  • Madrid (Spain)Palacio Real (Royal Palace)Madrid may not have the Roman origins that get city historians hot and bothered, and it may be a comparative ...

  • Istanbul (Turkey) The famous Blue Mosque at duskKnown in previous incarnations (作为化身、代表)as Byzantium (拜占庭)and Constantinople (君士坦丁堡), the ancient city...

  • Budapest (Hungary)There is more to Budapest than fish soup, paprika (辣椒粉)and Zsa Zsa Gabor. With its multifarious (繁杂的)history, incredible architectur...

  • Copenhagen (Denmark)StrogetCopenhagen has been the capital of Denmark for 600 years and is also the largest city in Scandinavia, but it hasn't let...

  • Barcelona (Spain) Palau de Les Heures, Barcelona, SpainIn a privileged position on the northeastern coast of the Iberian peninsula and the shores of t...

  • 德国城市-柏林


    Berlin (Germany)the Brandenburg GatePerhaps no other city in the world wears its history on its sleeve quite like Berlin. Sure, the wall (柏林墙)isn'...

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