
  • [What do you call a girl who gambles?]提示:Betty(贝蒂)是英语中常见的人名。把爱赌博(gamble)的女孩叫做Betty,因为bet的意思是打赌”。[What do you call a man who arrives in your lett...

  • [What do you call a thief in a shoe shop?]提示:名词sneaker的意思是鬼鬼祟祟的人”,把偷鞋的小偷叫做sneaker还有一层言外之意,因为sneaker的另一个意思是旅行鞋”。[What do you call a snake t...

  • [What do you call a witch who goes to the beach but won't go in the water?]提示:chicken(胆小的)对应 won't go in the water(不敢下水)。[What do you call an ...

  • [What can never be made right?]提示:be made right有两个意思,一个是纠正”,另一个是变成右”。左耳(your left ear)当然变不成右耳。[What can you do if you can't sleep on a...

  • [How is an actor like a football player?]提示:演员(actor)和足球运动员(football player)有何相像之处呢?英语的多义词play的两个意思戏剧”和踢球”是联系的纽带。[How does a vampire cross...

  • [How long can a goose stand on one leg?]提示:有谁见过大鹅金鸡独立”(stand on one leg)吗?既然没见过,那么就试试看吧(try it and see)。[How many feet are there in a yard?]提示:f...

  • [How much sand is there in a hole one metre long and one metre wide?]提示:同样,洞”(hole)里也不会有砂子”(sand),有砂子的地方就不是洞。[How was the lady's new a...

  • [How can you be sure to start a fire with two sticks?]提示:要点火(start a fire)的话,用一根拨火棍(stick)就足够了,若要用第二根棍”的话,肯定是火柴棍(match)。[How can you light a can...

  • [How did the blotting paper manufacturer find his job?]提示:吸水纸(blotting paper)的功能是吸水(absorbing),吸水纸制造商当然认为自己的行业是有吸引力的(absorbing)。这里的absorbing一词一语双关。[Ho...

  • [How do you pronounce VOLIX?]提示:VOL是volume(卷)的缩写,Ⅸ是罗马数字九”(nine)。所以,VOLIX应该读作volume nine(第九卷)。[How do you stop a mouse from squeaking?)提示:squeak这...

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