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Gail: Thank God it's you, Sweet Pea, and not Floyd's mommy and daddy again. Them two watch me like I done something wrong.

Floyd: Hush your mouth about them. They put a roof over your head, ain't they?

Ree: Hey, Floyd. You gonna invite me in? Or I could just stay out here and talk to you.

Floyd: Yeah, you can come in.

Ree: Hey. Shit.

Gail: Don't start. C'mon. It's been a while, Sweet Pea. Things stack up, is all. What's going on?

Ree: The Sheriff came by looking for Dad. If he don't show up for his court date, we're gonna lose the house. I gotta get down to the Arkansas line.

Gail: I gotta ask him. It's his truck. He said no.

Ree: Did you tell him I'd spring for gas?

Gail: I told him. He still won't.

Ree: Why not?

Gail: He never says why not to me, Ree. He just says no.

Ree: Man, that's so sad to hear you say he won't let you do something and then you don't do it.

Gail: It's different once you're married.

Ree: It really must be because you ain't never used to eat no shit.

Gail: Ned needs his nap. Come here.


Victoria: What brings you here? Somebody dead?

Ree: I'm looking for my Dad.

Victoria: Come on in. Shake off the chill. Let's keep it quiet. Teardrop's still laying up in bed.

Ree: The law came by today. Dad signed over everything to his bond. Victoria, I really gotta run Dad down to get him to show.

Teardrop: You ought not do that. Don't go running after Jessup. Show or don't show, that choice is up to the one going to jail, not you.

Ree: You know where he's at, don't you?

Teardrop: Where a man's at ain't necessarily for you to know, neither.

Ree: But you do.

Teardrop: I ain't seen him.

Ree: Could be running around with Little Arthur and them, you think?

Teardrop: Don't you ever go down around Little Arthur's asking them people about shit they ain't offering to talk about. That's a real good way to end up bit by hogs...or wishing you was.

Ree: We're all related, ain't we?

Teardrop: Our relations get watered kind of thin between here and Little Arthur's.

Victoria: You know all those people, Teardrop. You could ask--

Teardrop: Shut up.

Victoria: None of them's gonna be in a great big hurry to tangle with you.

Teardrop: I said shut up once already with my mouth.

Ree: Jesus. Dad's your only brother.

Teardrop: You think I forgot that? Hm? Jessup and me run together for coming on 40 years, but I don't know where he's at, and I ain't gonna go around asking after him, neither.

Victoria: Ree, you still planning to join the Army?

Ree: No, I don't think I can anymore. Listen.

Teardrop: Hm? No.

Victoria: She needs help.

Teardrop: Nope. Listen. Listen. You tell that girl to stay close to home. Don't move. Give her this. You send her ass on her way right now.

Victoria: Teardrop says you best keep your ass real close to the willows, dear. He hopes this helps. Here's a doobie for your walk.

Ree: Thank you.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. hush: 使沉默,使安静。看一下例子:The mother hushed the crying child.(那位母亲使啼哭的孩子安静下来。)hush sth. up意思是“掩盖,蒙蔽(事实)”。例如:It's impossible to hush a thing like this up.(这种事情是不可能遮掩的。)

2. It's been a while: 已经有一段时间了。这里指的是“有段日子没见了”。

3. Things stack up: 成堆的事。stack up的意思是“累积”。stack up在美国口语中还可以表示“成为结果,进展”。例如:That's how things stack up today.(那就是事情怎么会弄到今天这个地步。)

4. spring for: 付账。请看例子:I'll spring for the drinks.(酒钱我会付的。)

5. Shake off the chill: 驱寒,暖暖身子。

6. run somebody down: (经过搜寻后)找到。run down也可以表示“查找出、搜索到(某物)”,例如:I finally ran the article down in the university library.(我终于在大学图书馆找到了那篇文章。)

7. water: 掺水冲淡,加水稀释。影片中用的是比喻义,意思是和Little Arthur那边的关系比较疏远,是八竿子打不着的远亲。例如:water the milk(在牛奶中掺水)。

8. tangle with somebody: 与某人争论、争吵,与某人发生纠缠。看一下例子:You shouldn't tangle with him -- he's much stronger than you!(你不应与他发生纠缠。他比你强壮得多!)

9. doobie: 大麻烟卷。影片中蕾虽然不吸毒,但是她知道婶婶是一片好意,所以还是说了谢谢。
