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Becca: We don't need all that stuff. Howie, we just don't.

Howie: You wanting to sell the house. You sending Taz to your mother's.

Becca: There was a lot going on. The dog got under foot.

Howie: Right. And he was a reminder.

Becca: Yes, yes, he is a reminder, and I wanted one less reminder.

Howie: And since you never wanted the dog...

Becca: Oh, for God’s sake!

Howie: Well if I hadn't bought the dog Danny would still be alive!

Becca: And if I hadn't run back in to get the phone or if I had latched the gate!

Howie: I left the gate unlatched!

Becca: Come on, I'm not playing this game again Howie. I’m not! It’s no one's fault! And I’m not...

Howie: Not even the dog's. Dogs chase squirrels, boys chase dogs.

Becca: I know that.

Howie: He loved that dog! And you got rid of it!

Becca: Just like I’m getting rid of the video, huh?

Howie: It's not about the video Becca! It's not about the video. Not just the video, it's about Taz, and the paintings, and his clothes, and it's everything! There is no pictures in all that around! There is no fingerprints! God damn it! You have to stop erasing him! You have to stop it!

Becca: Do you really think I don't see him every second of every day? The video was an accident, Howie. And believe me, I'll beat myself up about it forever, I'm sure. Just like everything else that I could've prevented.

Howie: That's not what I want, Becca.

Becca: No? Because it feels like it is. It feels like maybe I don't feel badly enough for you. Maybe I am not feeling enough! What do you want from me?

Howie: I'm just got to change. Because this... I can't do like this anymore. It's too hard. It's too hard. And I want that dog back. Your mother's making him fat. I miss the dog. I'm sorry, but I miss him. I want him back.


Jason: You really made these?

Becca: I did.

Jason: That’s good. Still warm.

Becca: I'm glad you like them. I've been reading that book. The parallel universe book.

Jason: Yeah? Did you like it?

Becca: Yeah, it's interesting. I don't know if I buy it. The whole alternate reality thing...I don't know. But it's interesting. Did you have to do it for a school project?

Jason: No. It's research.

Becca: Oh. Research.

Jason: It's a comic book.

Becca: It’s impressive. You do all this?

Jason: Yeah.

Becca: Wow. It's amazing. What's it about?

Jason: A scientist, I guess. And his son. The father discovers this network of holes that leads to other galaxies and, um...

Becca: Parallel universes.

Jason: Yeah. And the scientist dies. So the son has to go into this rabbit hole to try and find him. But it's not him, because he's dead, so it's like another version of him. It's kind of stupid.

Becca: No.

Jason: No? Okay.

Becca: Not at all. I would love to read it.

Jason: Yeah it's um...it's not done yet. But when it is done, I will let you read it.

Becca: Okay.

Jason: Okay.

Becca: I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. I...

Jason: I might've been going too fast....that day. I'm not sure, but I might've been. So... that's something I've been wanting to tell you. It's a thirty zone. And I might've been going thirty-one. Or thirty-two. I would usually look down, to check, and if I was a little over, then I'd slow down obviously. But I don't... remember checking on your block, so it's possible I was going too fast. And ..the dog ran out really fast so I swerved. I didn't know. I didn't know. I thought you should know. I might've been going a little over the limit. I can't be positive.

Becca: It's okay.

Jason: Okay. Well.

Becca: I know, okay?

Jason: Thank you.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. beat oneself up about something: 因某事而折磨自己。看一下例句:There's no need to beat yourself up if you go wrong.(即使做错事,你也没有必要让自己痛苦。)

2. alternate reality: 另一个现实。alternate的意思是“可供选择的,可供替代的”。例如:alternate routes(可供选择的路线)。

3. comic book: 漫画书。

4. galaxies: 银河。galaxy也可以指“一群(杰出或著名的人物);一批(引人瞩目的东西)”。例如:a galaxy of foreign diplomats(一群外国外交官)。

5. swerve: (尤指车辆等)突然转向;急转弯。例如:The car swerved to avoid the dog.(汽车突然转向,以避开那条狗。)

6. I can't be positive: 我不能肯定。positive在这里的意思是“有绝对把握;确信;肯定”。看一下例子:There is positive proof that he did it.(有确切的证据证明他做了此事。)
