When Mike entered the small bedroom, his eye quickly adjusted to the darkness. He couldn't believe it. He was in the human world! His heart beating wildly, he hid in the shadows, watching as the Scarer crawled menacingly toward the sleeping boy's bed. The Scarer had no idea Mike was in there with him. The Scarer was low, ready to spring up and scare the boy witless, when the door opened and his parents peeked in. Mike cringed — he was standing right behind the door, only inches from the humans! The Scarer quickly hid, blending in with the shadows. "See," the boy's mom said, "I told you he's fine." The dad shook his head. "I thought I heard something." The parents closed the door, and Mike breathed a sigh of relief. He watched the Scarer emerge from the shadows and begin to build his scare again. He scratched the bedpost, and the boy's eyes slowly opened. Then the Scarer leaped, rolled, and loomed over the bed. Mike's jaw dropped as the boy suddenly sat up and a nerve-shattering scream filled the room. Out on the scare floor, a scream can filled to the top. The Scarer stepped through the door and back into the safety of Monsters, Inc., smiling. He shut the door, and the class gasped. The Scarer stopped in his tracks when he saw their panicked faces. "What?" he asked them. Then he stepped aside and saw that Mike had come through the door behind him. Mike was smiling, and his eye had a dazed and distant look. A crowd of factory workers rushed forward. The Scarer stood back and put on his MU hat. He walked over to Mike and said sternly, "That was real dangerous, kid. I didn't even know you were in there." Then a grin spread over the Scarer's face as he thought about what Mike had done. "Hey, I didn't even know you were in there," he repeated, impressed. "Not bad, kid." He winked at Mike. Then he placed his MU hat on Mike's head and walked away. Mrs. Graves, however, was not impressed. "Michael! What do you have to say for yourself?" Mike, still dazed, slowly blinked his eye. He knew now what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. "How do I become a Scarer?" he asked. 麦克进入小小的儿童卧室后,眼睛很快适应了屋内的黑暗。他简直不敢相信,自己竟然真的来到了人类世界!麦克的心怦怦直跳,他躲在暗处,看着那位惊吓专员虎视眈眈地朝熟睡的小男孩慢慢爬去。惊吓专员完全没有注意到麦克也在房间里。 惊吓专员俯下身子就位,准备蹿起来好好吓吓这个小孩,但就在这时,房门打开了,孩子的爸爸妈妈悄悄朝房间里看了看。麦克吓得蜷缩起来,因为他就站在门后,与人类近在咫尺!惊吓专员急忙躲到了暗处。 “看,我说他没事吧。”男孩的妈妈说。 孩子的爸爸摇了摇头说:“可我总觉得刚才有动静。”说完,男孩的爸爸妈妈关上门离开了,麦克如释重负地舒了一口气。他看到惊吓专员从黑暗中走了出来,开始重新积聚自己的威吓力,准备再次惊吓那个小男孩。专员先是刮了刮床柱,小男孩的眼睛慢慢睁开了。紧接着惊吓专员猛然跳起,左摇右晃,赫然出现在床边。小男孩被吓得不轻,一下子坐了起来,叫得声嘶力竭,麦克也差点被吓傻了。 而在尖叫层,尖叫收集罐一下子就满了。尖叫专员微笑着从门里走出来,回到公司的安全区。他关上门,所有的同学都倒吸了一口气。 看到大家恐慌的表情,惊吓专员停下来问道:“怎么了?”接着他让到一旁,发现麦克竟跟在自己身后从门里面出来了。 麦克面带微笑,只是眼神有些迷茫。一群工作人员冲上前去。惊吓专员往后站了站,戴上那顶怪兽大学的帽子,然后走向麦克,严肃地说道:“小朋友,这太危险了。我甚至都不知道你进去了。” 不过一想到这孩子做了什么,专员又笑了起来,颇有些惊讶地重复着自己的话:“哇,我甚至都不知道你进去了。真不赖,小不点儿。”他朝麦克挤了挤眼,摘下自己那顶怪兽大学的帽子,戴在了麦克头上,就走开了。 然而格拉芙老师却并不认为麦克有多么了不起,她朝麦克喊道:“麦克!不为你刚才的所作所为说点儿什么吗?” 麦克还是有些眩晕,慢慢眨了眨眼睛。现在他已经知道自己以后想做什么了。他开口问道:“我怎样才能成为一名惊吓专员呢?” |