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Who is he waiting for 他在等谁

Two friends were having lunch at a café in new York's Grand Central Terminal. They noticed a man sitting alone at an adjoining table. When the waitress approached him, they overheard her ask, "Are you waiting to be joined by a tall, thin woman with long, blond hair?" He answered, "In the large scheme of my life, yes, but today I'm meeting my wife." 两个朋友在纽约市汽车中心总站的一家咖啡厅里吃午饭。 他们注意到一个男人独自坐在邻桌。当服务员小姐走向他时,无意中听到她问那个男人:“你是在等一位个子很高,很瘦,留长发,皮肤很白的金发女人吗?” 那人回答说:“在我生活的长远规划中,我是在等。但是今天,我却是在等我的妻子。”
