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Tightwad 吝啬鬼


Joe Schmidt, although very wealthy, was a tightwad.

One day he and his wife wanted to take a spin in an airplane over the city of New York.

The pilot said it would be 10 dollars a piece for a thirty-minute flight. "How about 10 dollars for both of us?" the stingy millionaire asked, "No way!" replied the pilot firmly. Schmidt pleaded earnestly with the pilot for quite a while. Since it was a slow day and there were not many customers, the pilot finally agreed. "Ok, I will take you and your wife for ten bucks on one condition: while in the air, you cannot make any noise. If I hear a peep out of you, that will cost you 20 dollars." Schmidt agreed reluctantly.

The plane took off without a hitch. Purposely, the pilot made somersaults(筋斗) and all kinds of tricks, just to scare the guy, when the plane finally landed, the pilot asked credulously: "I have got to hand it to you. I didn't know how you managed to be so quiet. " "It's wasn't easy," confessed the tightwad. "I almost hollered(叫喊,抱怨) when my wife fell out."




