1 中国哪里的姑娘最漂亮? Where can you find the most beautiful girls in China? 微信朋友圈 Wechat Moments 2 请给出一句很有内涵的诗句 Please name a thought-provoking sentence from a poem. 一懒众衫小。 Once lazy, all your clothes get smaller. 3 如何理解“穷不是一种状态”? What's the meaning of 'poverty is not a certain situation'? 穷是一种常态。 It's the common situation. 4 问世上不会游泳的动物是? What animals on earth can not swim? 媳妇和妈 Your wife and your mother. 5 如果被车撞飞10米远,爬起来之后说什么最帅? What is the coolest thing to say after you got hit by a car and managed to stand up again? 下一辆! Next! 6 妈,我是你的什么? Mother, what am I to you? 因果报应 My karma. 7 为什么前女友还会一直关注我呢? What could be the reason that my ex still follows me on social networks? 知道你过得不好我也就放心了 Knowing that you still mess everything up makes my day. 8 为什么打群架的时候普遍会脱掉上衣? Why do people usually take off their clothes when starting a gang fight? 假如脱掉裤子的话,总觉得有哪里不对,气氛怪怪的。 Because it would be weird to take off your pants. 9 怎么反驳“你行你上啊”的逻辑? How should I respond to 'You can you up'? 我评论个鸡蛋不好吃,还得自己下个蛋啊? So I need to lay an egg to criticize an egg's flavor? 10 如何一个月减肥40斤? By what means can I lose 20 kilograms in a month? 截肢 Amputation. |