十二星座本周爱情 07/01/08
ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) The less said and the more mysterious you are the better. Plan to do things that physically challenge you and you will impress someone who is able to keep up with you physically, emotionally and financially. 白羊座:说的越少神秘感越强,感觉也越好。计划做一些带来身体挑战的运动,给有能力在身体上、精神上和财政上跟随你的她/他留下一个好印象。 TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21) Take your time and get to know the people you meet that fall into the category of potential long term partners. The better someone you like gets to know you the more attracted to you this person will become. 金牛座:要充分利用好时间,会见一些有可能发展长期关系的朋友。越想了解你的人,给你的吸引力越大。 GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Your persistence will pay off. Being physically affectionate will bring the same in return so don't hold back, instead concentrate on getting to know whoever attracts you as intimately as possible. 双子座:坚持终于换来回报。保持热情,不要退缩,对吸引你的人付诸同样的关注。 CANCER (June 22-July 22) Use your wit, uncanny memory and Cancer charm and you will not end up alone this week. Your dedication and loyalty will lead whomever you meet along the way to believe that you are quite the catch. 巨蟹座:运用你的聪明才智、超强记忆里和巨蟹特有的魅力,本周绝对不会孤独。你的奉献和忠诚让任何碰到你的人都很信任你。 LEO (July 23-Aug 22) If you participate in events that interest you it won't be long before you are engaged in a deep and meaningful connection. Keep in mind however that chemistry and physical attraction is not enough. 狮子座:参加一些你感兴趣的活动,但是在你投入很深之前并不会长久。谨记,化学和物理的是不够的。 VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Your know how and obvious ability to pay attention to detail when it comes to treating someone you are attracted to will pay big pidends this week. Be upfront, personal and honest regarding your intentions. 处女座:你对如何关注细节的洞察力和能力让你在处理和他/她的关系上获益匪浅。但需要说在前面的是你目的相关的个人信息和正直。 LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Keep your thoughts to yourself and let your actions take over. As long as you are physically attentive and intimate the rest will be history. For now don't discuss your future needs or desires. 天秤座:保留自己的意见,让行动说明一切。只要你还关注,剩下的都将是历史。现在不要讨论你未来的所需和所求。 SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) You may want to back off when it comes to physical one-on-ones this week. Chances are good that you or the person you are with will not be up to par health wise. Talk and get to know one another better. 天蝎座:当那一刻到来的时候,你可能想要退缩。对你们来说保持健康的机会是好的。还是用语言交流增进理解吧。 SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Exaggeration may get you to first base with someone you are attracted to but when the truth comes out you may have trouble keeping things together. Wager whether or not you want a one-night stand. 射手座:夸大其词让你成为你关注的人的第一后盾,但是真的发生以后,你却处理的不太好。不论怎样都奋力一博吧。 CAPRICORN (Dec 22. - Jan. 20) Stay calm, cautious and curious about whoever attracts you but don't jump into a relationship with two feet. You are much better off playing it safe and being observant. Looks can be deceiving. 摩羯座:对那个吸引你的人保持冷静、谨慎和好奇,但是不要急于全身心的陷入。最好谨慎行事,看到的并不一定是真实的。 AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Make sure that you know everything you need to know about someone that attracts you before making a move. This person is likely to be involved with someone else and not likely to appreciate your advances. 水瓶座:在采取进一步行动前要确保你已经对他/她有了必需的了解。这个人或许已经在和别人交往,对你的出现并不感冒哦。 PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) You are likely to frighten a potential partner if you come on too strong. Best let this person come to you or better still stay in the background and watch to see what his or her likes and dislikes are. 双鱼座:如果你的态度太强硬的话会给对方留下不好印象。最好让这个人主动靠近你或者就让她/他自己来观察喜欢和不喜欢。 |