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不知从何时起,房屋中介开始蓬勃发展。于是,越来越多的人想来分一杯羹,使得原本激烈的竞争更加白热化。近日,北京出台的一个租房政策更是让中介们不知何去何从。 请看《中国日报》相关报道: Police authorities in Beijing have sparked heated debate by banning homeowners from renting their properties to people with "irregular lifestyles", including those who return home late at night. Jin Yusong, the vice-general manager of letting agent Beijing Lianjia, said "We have thousands of clients and it is impossible to check what time they go home at night or what they do inside the house. This is ridiculous." 报道中说,北京公安部门禁止房主把房子租给生活不规律的人,其中包括回家晚的人。北京链家房屋中介公司的副总经理说,链家拥有数以千计的客户,他们不可能挨个查每个人什么时候回家,或是在家里做什么。 这里的“letting agent”指的就是房屋中介。“Letting”是“出租”的意思,“agent”是“代理商、经纪人”。不过现在的房屋中介可不只代理出租的房屋,房屋买卖才是盈利的大头。 此外,与“agent”经常出现的还有“insurance agent”(保险经纪人)、“estate agent”(房地产经纪人)。  
