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The young American (the author) who teaches English in Jinan, capital of Shandong Province, attended twowedding feastsin Henan Province just before Spring Festival. And not surprisingly, she (the author) attracted the most attention of the hosts and the guests.

显然,报道中的“wedding feast”指的就是“婚宴”,“feast”在此指“(较为隆重的)盛宴,筵席”。

如果您记得影片《夜宴》的英文译名,您也许会说,“宴会”还可以用“banquet”来表达。由此,“婚宴”也可表示为“wedding banquet”。

此外,如果常阅读国外报刊,您可能会发现老外更常用“wedding reception”来表达“婚宴”。“Reception”本意指“接待,招待”,与“wedding”搭配成词组后,确实应了“婚宴”的内涵。相应的,一定语境下,承办婚宴的地点可以表达为“(wedding) reception site”,看例句:

From vaunted Napa Valley wineries to vistas along Lake Tahoe, California couples have booked up thousands of churches and reception sites hoping to begin wedded bliss on the lucky date of 7/7/07. 从闻名遐迩的葡萄酒产地纳帕溪谷到美丽的塔霍湖畔,加利福尼亚州几千所教堂和婚宴地已被预订,新人们希望2007年7月7日这一吉日能给他们的婚姻带来幸福。
