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摘取路透社4月1日 愚人节“恶搞”新闻一段——《刘德华与歌迷喜结连理》,希望,媒体日后能降低类似“单独会面”的曝光度:

In a dramatic twist of events, Hong Kong pop idol Andy Lau has agreed to marry a 28-year-old woman from Lanzhou who embarked on a cross-country love chase that left no stone unturned and no father alive.

Yang Lijuan, accompanied by her parents, journeyed to Hong Kong to meet the man who had been in her dreams for 13 years. After meeting and taking photos with the 45-year-old star, Yang's father jumped into the Victoria Harbour after Lau refused aone-on-one rendezvouswith her daughter.

其实,“单独会面”并不是什么固定词组,不过,外电中的“a one-on-one rendezvous”相对而言比较地道,暂拎出来大家共阅。

词组“one-on-one”本是篮球术语,指一种只由两人参与的“一对一”(也叫“斗牛”)比赛, 后被引用到日常生活中,用来形容“一对一的,面对面的(咨询、会谈)”,这也正是杨丽娟所渴望的“单独会面”。此外,就语义范围而言,“rendezvous”比“meeting”更具体,特指“在预先安排好的时间和地点见面”。

值得一提的是,在杨丽娟事件这一语境下,有关“单独见面”的表达其实很多,比如“a personal tryst with Andy Lau”,“to meet/talk with Andy Lau in person”,“to talk with Andy Lau face to face”…… 如有更好的表达,您可随时补充。
