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Disgruntled: 不满的

伊拉克政府发言人5月31日表示,此前遭武装分子绑架的伊安巴尔省省长拉哈·纳瓦夫的尸体已经被发现。外电报道如下:U.S. and Iraqi troops battled foreign fighters near the Syrian border and found the body of Anbar province's missing governor, the highest-ranking Iraqi official kidnapped since the fall of Saddam Hussein, authorities said Tuesday.The announcement came as the Shiite-dominated parliament reached out to Iraq's disgruntled Sunni Arab minority by offering a role on the committee drafting a new constitution. But in a development that could affect efforts to get Shiites and Sunnis working together, President Jalal Talabani said Saddam, a Sunni, could be put on trial in the next two months. The former dictator's lawyers said they knew nothing about that. Disgruntled表示“不满的,不高兴的,不平的”,例如:She was disgruntled with her boy friend(她对自己的男朋友不满。) 据悉,纳瓦夫的尸体是两天前在拉瓦(Rawa)附近的一幢房屋中被发现的,当时他被绑在一个瓦斯罐上。当时绑架纳瓦夫的武装分子同美军部队发生了冲突。战斗结束后,美军在纳瓦夫的尸体旁还发现了两名叙利亚人、一名约旦人和一名阿尔及利亚人的尸体。
