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Knockout: 足以击倒的


继法国全民投票公决否决了《欧盟宪法条约》之后,荷兰人民也对这一条约说了“不”。6月1日晚,欧盟三位领导人1日在布鲁塞尔联合举行新闻发布会,表示有信心与欧盟各成员国、欧盟机构、各党派和民间团体一道解决《欧盟宪法条约》批准危机。外电报道如下:Dutch voters worried about social benefits and immigration overwhelmingly rejected the European Union constitution Wednesday in what could be a knockout blow for a charter meant to create a power rivaling the United States.

With nearly all votes counted, the charter lost 62 percent to 38 percent, an even worse defeat than the 55 percent "no" vote delivered in a French referendum Sunday.

"The Dutch people have spoken tonight. It is a clear result. Naturally I am very disappointed," Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende said in conceding defeat in his campaign for ratification.

The charter was designed to provide such trappings of statehood as a flag, a president and an anthem for what has largely been an economic bloc, while creating a more integrated political entity of 450 million people with a bigger economy than America's.

Knockout表示“摧毁性的,足以击倒的,猛烈的”,例如:a knockout punch(猛烈的一拳);a knockout blow(使人昏倒的一击,压倒性的一击)。
