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Cloud: 产生不利影响


6月8日晚,朝鲜外务省副相金桂冠在接受美国ABC电视台采访时,公开承认朝鲜正在继续制造核武器的事实,并表示朝鲜“有足够的核武器来应付美国的攻击”。但是当被问及是否拥有可打击美国的导弹,金做出不置可否的反应。外电报道如下:North Korea has a stockpile of nuclear bombs and is building more such weapons, the country's vice foreign minister Kim Gye Gwan said in a US television interview.

"I should say that we have enough nuclear bombs to defend against a US attack," the North Korean official told ABC News when asked how many nuclear bombs it possessed.

Asked whether Pyongyang was building more nuclear bombs, Kim said: "Yes."

His open admission about North Korea's nuclear weapon ambitions further clouds efforts to bring a diplomatic resolution to the nuclear crisis gripping the Korean peninsula.

动词cloud 的本意是“遮蔽,被云覆盖,使变朦胧”,例如:Mist clouded the hills.(雾遮住了山丘。)上文中体现了cloud的比喻义“使陷入麻烦,产生不利影响,玷污”,例如:cloud the issues(混淆争端);Scandal clouded the officer's reputation.(丑闻玷污了官员的声望。)

