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Plutonium: 钚元素

国际原子能机构(IAEA)副总干事戈尔德施密特6月16日在该机构理事会演讲的草稿显示,伊朗已承认,他们运用钚的实际时间比他们最初向该机构所承认的要长好几年。外电报道如下:Iran has admitted to experimenting with producing plutonium, which can be used for atomic bombs, much more recently than it originally told the U.N. nuclear watchdog, according to a draft U.N. speech.Iran had first told the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that its last experiments with the reprocessing of plutonium took place in 1993 but revised that date to 1998, according to a draft speech deputy IAEA chief Pierre Goldschmidt is due to make to the agency's board of governors on Thursday. The speech said the IAEA had asked Iran to confirm that one bottle of a solution containing plutonium "had been processed in 1995 while the solution in the second one had been purified in 1998." Plutonium:钚,一种天然地放射性银色超铀金属元素,存在于铀矿中,对铀元素进行中子轰击而人工制成。它是一种核辐射毒素,特别是能够被骨髓吸收,并被用作一种核反应燃料并用在核武器中。 据悉,伊朗核问题一直是国际社会关注的热点问题。近两年来,伊朗核问题时起时伏,但仍未得到解决。IAEA主张在机构框架内和平解决伊朗核问题,不同意把伊朗核问题提交联合国安理会和对伊朗实施制裁,以避免使事态进一步扩大。
