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Hand out: 分发,施舍


7月13日,巴格达发生针对美军的自杀式汽车炸弹爆炸事件,当时执行任务的美国军车正向旁边聚集的伊拉克儿童散发糖果,突然遭到汽车炸弹袭击,造成24名儿童死亡,至少18名儿童受伤,美军士兵一死两伤。外电报道如下:A suicide car bomb exploded next to U.S. troops handing out candy and toys, killing 18 children and teenagers Wednesday. Parents heard the shattering explosion and raced out to discover the worst - children's mangled, bloodied bodies strewn on the street.

Up to 27 people were killed by the blast in the Shiite Muslim neighborhood, including an American soldier. At least 70 people were injured, a newborn and three U.S. soldiers among them.

Hand out表示“分发,施舍”,例如:Relief workers were handing out emergency rations to the survivors.(救济人员在向生还者分发紧急配给品。)
