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Hunger strike: 绝食抗议


美国军方7月20日将两名阿富汗人从古巴关塔那摩湾美军监狱释放,获释后他们对监狱看守的虐待行为表示了愤慨,并透露在过去两周里,有180名犯人在这里发起了绝食运动,要求当局改善监狱条件。外电报道如下:Two Afghans released from Guantanamo Bay claimed Wednesday about 180 Afghans at the U.S. detention facility were on a hunger strike to protest alleged mistreatment and to push for freedom.

Habir Russol and Moheb Ullah Borekzai, who said they left the prison camp on Cuba on Monday and were flown to Afghanistan before being freed, said they did not participate in the hunger strike. They did not say how they knew others were refusing to eat.

Hunger strike表示“绝食示威,绝食抗议”,绝食抗议者是“hunger striker”。相关的词组还有a general strike(总罢工);strikebound(因罢工而停顿的);strikebreaker(工贼,破坏罢工的工人);strike-pay(工会提供的罢工津贴);lighting strike(雷击,闪电式罢工);outlaw/wild cat/ quickie strike(未经工会正式同意的罢工,自发罢工);rent strike(罢租,集体拒交房租行动);sit-in strike(留厂罢工,静坐罢工);stay-down strike(留在井下罢工;静坐罢工)等。

