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近日,在英语新闻报道中经常会碰到一个新词"spam",意指"junk mail"(垃圾邮件)。据调查,中国是垃圾邮件的"重灾区"和受害国,而普受网民关注和称道的"阳光绿色网络工程"已于2月21日启动,这项工程分为治理"垃圾邮件"、治理"不良短信"、提倡"网络安全"和治理"非法网上服务"4个部分。

请看《中国日报》的相关报道: Heavy fines. Jail terms. They're what spammers could face if a legislative proposal becomes law. As junk e-mail and unsolicited text messages bombard users in the country, the Chinese Government is increasing efforts to crack down on spam.

报道中的spam可以解释为:"junk e-mail; unsolicited e-mail, often of a commercial nature, sent indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups"(收件人事先没有提出要求或者同意接收的广告、电子刊物等宣传性的电子邮件)。

另外,spam可以用作动词,指"to send unsolicited e-mail to"(发送垃圾邮件的行为),举个例子,"According to the new regulation, it is illegal to spam Internet users with unsolicited commercials"(根据新的规定,不征求互联网用户同意而发送商业广告等垃圾邮件是非法行为)。由此,报道中的spammer则是动词spam的另一相应名词形式"发送电子邮件的人"。
