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来!做个小测试:“哪个词可表达以下含义——‘强化(训练)’、‘突击(课程)’、‘精(耕)细(作)’、‘特护(病房)’?” 提醒一下,翻译时千万别逐字对号,“强化”不用strengthening,“特护”也不是special care,其实,仅用“intensive”一词足矣。看下面一段外电报道:

A Nigerian passenger jet crashed shortly after takeoff from the capital Abuja on Sunday, killing 99 people including the leader of the nation's 70 million Muslims.

The director of Abuja's National Hospital, speaking on state television, said seven survivors had been brought in, of whom six were in a stable condition and one was in intensive care.


报道中的“intensive care”就是我们所说的“特护”,相应的,“intensive care unit”则是“特护病房”或“加护病房”。

其实,对于“intensive”,我们并不陌生。大学课程里的“精读”就是“intensive reading”,而自上世纪末开始红遍中国大地的“集约经济”则为“intensive economy”。再回到刚才的小测试,“强化训练”可表达为“intensive training”,“突击课程”则是“intensive course”,“精耕细作”可表示为“intensive cultivation”。看下面一个例句:

The accident victims are in intensive care.(事故受害者在特别护理中。)
