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市民纷涌超市,纯净水价格猛涨…… 这很让人想到2005年哈尔滨因松花江污染而引起的停水风波。近日,太湖蓝藻提前暴发,无锡居民为此备受变质自来水的困扰。

请看外电相关报道:Residents in eastern Chinese city of Wuxi rushed to buy bottled water after tap supplies became putrid from algae blanketing a nearby lake, and scientists said the outbreak could last for months.

The volatile mix of pollution, thirsty citizens and health worries echoed a panic in late 2005, when millions of residents of Harbin in northeast China had tap water cut off for weeks after a toxic spill in the Songhua River affected drinking water.

报道中的“tap water”就是我们每天使用的“自来水”,有时也可写作“running water”或“tap supplies”。

此外,这里再顺便提一提“矿泉水”。“Mineral water/spring water”用来专指“天然矿泉水”,但超市里买来喝的矿泉水一般用“bottled water”来形容。

最后,再谈一个与“喝水”有关的词 —— drinking fountain(饮水机)。
