据悉,奥巴马团队和麦凯恩团队都已经声明在9•11七周年当天不会在电视上播放攻击对方的广告,而是要“团结起来”,一同出席在世贸中心遗址举行的活动,向每一位在2001年大灾难中丧失了性命的美国人致敬。在美国大选中互相攻击对方的这种拉票方式叫做negative campaigning,称之为“负面竞选”。下面这句话很好的解释了这个词:A listener just called in to ask what I mean by negative campaigning. Well, it means a candidate's main strategy is to tell voters how bad the other guy is instead of talking about how good he is himself.一位听众刚才打电话来问什么是negative campaigning。Negative campaigning的意思是一个候选人采用的主要策略是告诉选民他的对手是如何的坏,而不是说自己是如何的好。下面是另一个例子:Some political observers say that negative campaigning isn't working this year--that voters want to hear positive ideas about how to create new jobs and give people better health care.有些政治观察家说,尽力贬低对方的负面竞选方式今年行不通。选民们要听有积极意义的主意,像如何增加就业机会、为公众提供更好的保健措施等等。 |