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fair or foul 好坏

friend or foe 敌友

forgive and forget 既住不咎

live and learn 活到老学到老,学无止境

health and wealth 健康与财富

safe and sound 平安无事,安然无恙

sweet and sour 酸甜,苦乐

thick and thin 在任何情况下

black and blue 遍体鳞伤

now or never 勿失良机,机不可失

then and there 当场,当时

cut and carve 使精炼,改动,乱砍

bed and board 食宿,夫妇关系,家

sink or swim 听任沉浮,不论好歹

wild and woolly 粗野的,未开化的

do or die 决一死战

neck or nothing 铤而走险,拼命

make or mar 成功或失败

part and parcel 重要的部分

wreck and ruin 毁灭

twists and turns 迂回曲折

bread and butter 基本生活所需,生计

2. 尾韵对称。通过押尾韵的方法使短语犹如诗一般悦耳动听。例如:

near and dear 极亲密的

cut and thurst 肉搏战

by hook or by crook 千方百计

fair and square 光明磊落

high and dry 困境

make or break 孤注一掷

tear and wear 磨损

gentle and simple 贵与贱

dine and wine 吃喝

mend or end 不改则废

here and there 四处

first and last 整体看来,总的来说

odds and ends 零碎的事情,零星的东西

pins and needles 发麻
