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13. across the board 全面地

该习语的意思是“包括一切的,全面的”。例如:We’re aiming to increase productivity across the board.(我们旨在全面提高产量。)该习语还可以用来指“(赛马、赛狗等打赌时)押前三名”。

A: Do you know the last news? 你知道最新消息吗?
B: No, what? 不知道,什么呀?
A: We asked for a pay increase of 5% across the board yesterday. 昨天我们要求全部加薪5%。
B: Did the boss agree with you? 老板同意了?
A: No. He said they’d discuss it at the board meeting. 没有。他说要在董事会上讨论。
B: That’s just an alibi. 那是他的借口。

14. add up to 合计达;总括起来意味着

此语本义指“合计为”,在日常生活中多用喻义,即“总括起来意味着”。有时为了进一步强调,亦作all add up to。在使用中应注意与“add up”一词的区别。“add up”本指“把 … 加起来”,如:add up a column of figures(把一栏数字加起来);其喻义为“言之有理,说得通”,如:The facts just don’t add up.(这些事情合计起来不对头。)

A: The cashier said he had locked the safe before he left. 出纳说他走时把保险柜锁上了。
B: But how did the money disappear from it if it was locked? 如果锁上了那钱怎么没的?
A: I just wonder … 我只是奇怪 …
B: What do you think it all adds up to? 你想这一切意味着什么?
A: It adds up to the fact that we have been cheated. 意味着我们被骗了。

15. agree to differ 求同存异

agree to differ指的是“各自保留不同意见(不再说服对方)”,意即“求同存异”。

A: What do you mean? 你是什么意思?
B: Considering the major contracts they might give us, I overlooked the small loss. 考虑到他们可能与我们签订大宗合同,小小的损失我就忽略不计了。
A: So you agreed to differ? 所以你就求同存异?
B: That’s right. 没错。

16.all told 合计;总之

此语原义为“总计,合计”,引申为“总之”。如:All told,it was a great credit to them.(总之,这给他们大大增了光。)此语同in all同义。

A: How many people attended today’s meeting? 有多少人参加了今天的会议?
B: There were seventeen of us at the meeting, all told. 一共有十七个人。
A: Issue an announcement that if somebody doesn’t attend meeting next time, his or her bonus will be deducted. 发布一则通知,就说如果有人下一次不参加会议,他或她的奖金全扣。
B: Yes. 好的。

17.all wet 搞错了


A: I made a reservation two days ago. My name is David Johnson. 我前天在这儿预订了房间,我叫戴维约翰逊。
B: Reservation? What do you mean? 预定?什么意思?
A: I booked a single room here for tonight. 我定了一间今晚的单人房。
B: Oh! You’re all wet, actually. This is not a hotel. The hotel is the building across the road. 哦,你搞错了。这不是旅馆,旅馆是路对过的那做楼。

18.an easy digging 轻而易举的事

dig做动词时有“集中精力于… 的意思”,往往用来指工作、学习。An easy digging指“学习轻松”,引申为“事情轻而易举”。

A: Do you think we can nurse our business back to life? 你说我们能让生意起死回生吗?
B: It’s not an easy digging. We’ll have to rack our brain and think of some effective measures. 这可不是件容易事。我们得绞尽脑汁想出一些行之有效的办法。
A: I seem to be at the end of my wits. I have got lost and don’t know where I’m going. 我可是黔驴技穷了。我有点茫然,不知道该干什么才好。
B: Never say die. The darkest hour is the nearest dawn. 别这么说,现在只是黎明前的黑暗。

19.any more 不再

此语用于否定句中,构成not … any more“不再”,与之同义的短语为not … any longer。与肯定句中的no more和no longer同义。区别在于not any longer和no longer都口语化。

A: I can’t take the job any longer. 我不能再干这份工作了。
B: If you need the money, you’ll just have to grin and bear it. 如果要想挣钱的话,你就得含笑忍辱。
A: I’d rather starve than suffer the torture of the beast! 我宁愿饿死也不受这份罪。
B: Don’t be childish and capricious. You want to change the world? No way, it is just the world that will change you. 别幼稚任性了。你想改变这个世界?决不可能的。只能是这世界改变你。
A: My God! The school life is really simple and free. But now I have it no more. 天呀!还是校园生活简单自由,可我不再拥有它了。

20.as easy as one’s eye 很容易

该习语是一种非正规的口语表达方式,类似的表达方式还有:as easy as anything/as ABC/as falling off a log/as winkling。这些短语指的是“很容易”。

A: Money is hard to earn these days. 这年头挣钱不容易。
B: To me, it’s as easy as my eye. 对我来说很容易。
A: You steal? Or rob? 去偷还是去抢?
B: Of course not. 当然不是。

21.as sure as eggs is eggs 毫无疑问,千真万确

此语与“蛋”可说没什么直接联系,其中eggs很可能系数学公式中x的讹误。它原作as sure as x is x,17世纪后始作(as)sure as eggs is eggs。有时亦作(as)sure as eggs are eggs。这条成语1699年在英国北部地区首先使用。

A: Do you think Peter will win this time? 你认为彼得这次会赢吗?
B: It’s impossible. 不大可能。
A: Why? 为什么?
B” He’s no match in force and skill. 体力和技巧上,他都不是对手。
A: You mean he’ll lose, as sure as eggs is eggs? 你是说他必定会输,确信无疑了?
B: Yeah, unless there is a miracle. 是这样,除非有奇迹发生。

22.as well 也,还,又;完全的,足够的

此语一指“也,还,又”;也可做副词短语,意义为“完全的,足够的”,如:Obviously she had been frightened out of wit, as well she might be.(显然她已经给吓得六神无主了,于她来说这也在情理之中。)与之相近的习语为as well as“(除 … 之外)也”,如:On Sundays, his landlady provided dinner as well as breakfast.(逢星期天,他的女房东除供应他早餐外,还供应他晚餐。)As well as 的另一意义为“和 … 一样”,如:He would like to go as well as you.(他和你一样想去。)

A: I’m going to ask the janitor to wash the floors in the halfway. 我要让看门的把走廊的地板清洗一下。
B: Would you ask him to clear the lobby as well? 请你让他把大厅也清洗一下好吗?
A: Ok. Can he do it well? 好吧,他能做好吗?
B: Yes, if he’s glad to. 能,只要他肯干。

23.ask for it 自找麻烦,自找苦吃

该习语是ask for trouble的非正规的口语表达方式。如:Don’t be late again, or you’ll ask for it.(别再迟到了,要不然你会自找苦吃的。)

A: Do you know what happened? 你猜怎么着?
B: Not an inkling. What’s happened? 猜不着,怎么了?
A: My girlfriend gave her boss a good piece of her mind. 我女朋友狠狠教训了她老板一顿。
B: He asked for it, I suppose. 我猜他是自找的。
A: Yeah. She is really something. 可不是么,她真了不起。

24.ask no odds 不要求特殊照顾

odds作名词时指的是“奇特的事物,怪人或奇数”,而短语ask no odds的意思为“不要求特殊照顾”。

A: Mr. Green, may I have a talk with you? 格林先生,我可以和你谈谈吗?
B: Of course. Wait a minute. Ok, now, what can I do for you, Miss? 当然可以了。请稍等。好啦,小姐,有什么我可以为您效劳的吗?
A: I ask no odds, I just want you to be fair and square. 我不要求特殊照顾,我只要求您公正。
B: I think I’m always fair and square. 我觉得我一直都是很公正的。
A: But not this time. I’ve done the most of the sales but you spilt the profit among all of us. 但这次把不是。我完成了大部分销售额,而你给我们所有人分配利润。

25.at a loose end 无所事事,无所适从

此语可以追溯到19世纪中期。一说此语源自航海,原表示“(绳索的)一端末系住”。一说原指“(衣带)垂下”。该语常有“因没有事做而感到不满”的含义。此语亦可作at loose ends。

A: It seems that he is unhappy. 看起来他不很高兴。
B: You’re right. He has been out of work for a long time. 就是。他已有些日子没工作了。
A: Have no any chance to try again? 没有什么机会再来一次吗?
B: No. So he is in low spirits. Don’t talk about the matter of work with him. OK? 没有。所以他情绪低落。别和他谈论工作的事,好吗?
A: Yeah. I got it. 我明白。
B: Thank you for caring about him and coming to see him. 谢谢你关心他,还来看他。
A: You’re welcome. I know everyone of us will feel discomfortable when we’re at a loose end. 别客气,我知道一个人无事可干的时候很不舒服。
