high-end product 高端产品
消费,是经济学中的永恒话题。据悉,我国第十一个五年规划中特别指出:“要进一步扩大国内需求,调整投资和消费的关系,增强消费对经济增长的拉动作用。”中国经济增长再一次向“消费拉动”转轨。 中国日报的相关报道如下:After more than 25 years of economic growth driven by exports and fixed-asset investment, China is turning towards consumption to sustain the boom. A survey noted a trend of moderate price drops in major consumer goods such as electrical appliances and automobiles, saying this would prod consumers to look for higher-end products. 报道中的high-end product指的是“高端产品”。所谓“高端”,顾名思义,就是“高级”、“层次较高”的意思。比如,“高端市场”,high-end market,意思就是针对的消费群体消费层次相对较高。 报道说的是:我国主要消费品的价格出现下跌趋势,这将刺激消费者去购买一些更为高端的产品。句中的pod值得注意,可解释为stimulate。 |