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    While people are just about to have a piece of Roscoe's birthday cake, Timothy is about to finish his piece. "You might say I am a cut above ordinary folks," Timothy smiled. Well, at least he is braver! When someone or something is a cut above he, she or it is better. "More alert (机灵) and more distinguished (杰出) are descriptions that would apply," Timothy smiled as he went back for more cake.

    当人们准备分享罗斯科的生日蛋糕,蒂莫西已经快吃完自己那份了。蒂莫西笑着说:“你可以说我比普通人强一些。”至少他很勇敢。如果用“a cut above”形容某人或某事,就是说他/她/它比较优秀。蒂莫西准备开吃下一块蛋糕,他笑着说:“这代表着要比别人机灵一点,杰出一点。”
