法国网协严防“假球” Match-fixing 法国网球协会官员上周表示,法国网协已采取多种措施,以避免巴黎网球大师赛中出现假球问题。那么,“假球”怎么说呢? 请看外电的报道: The possibility of match-fixing in tennis is a "serious problem", although major efforts are being made to make sure it does not happen at the Paris Masters, French Tennis Federation (FFT) president Christian Bimes said. "For example, that there have even been attempts at Grand Slam tournaments. We must be very vigilant and very severe. I hope this will be treated with the same severity as doping." 法国网协主席比莫表示,网球比赛中潜在的假球行为是一个很严重的问题,有些大满贯赛中曾出现过类似事件。他希望各方严肃起来,像开展反兴奋剂工作一样,对假球问题给予足够的重视。 假球为“match-fixing”;相关词汇有:赌球为“betting activity”;故意输掉比赛为“throw a game/match”;博彩业为“lotteries industry”。 |