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忙碌儿童综合症 hurried child syndrome


周末的早晨,本该是学生和上班族们在家补觉的时间,可是在公交车上总是能看到一对对母女、祖孙、父子或母子们背着书包,拎着琴盒、画板之类的物件奔向某个“班”的上课地点。“现在的孩子真累!”身边很多同龄人都这样感叹过。没办法,谁叫他们赶上hurried child syndrome的盛行期了呢。

Hurried child syndrome refers to a condition in which parents overschedule their children's lives, push them hard for academic success, and expect them to behave and react as miniature adults.

Hurried child syndrome(忙碌儿童综合症/揠苗助长综合症)指的是家长将孩子的生活安排得过满、极力要求孩子在学业上取得佳绩,并且希望孩子像小大人一样行为和做事的现象。

The concept of the hurried child was first proposed by child psychologist David Elkind in his now-classic 1981 book The Hurried Child: Growing Up Too Fast.


One symptom of the hurried child syndrome is forcing pre-school children to constantly take classes and perform other "enrichment" exercises to help them prepare for school. This is also called hothousing (1985) and the superbaby syndrome (1983).

