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Elvis year 猫王年


在这个新人辈出、新产品充斥市场的年代,如果能够在某个较长时间段内被大部分人所熟知,那就是很大的胜利了。就算以后销声匿迹,曾经拥有过属于自己的Elvis year也是个不错的肯定呢。这样一说,你大概也就猜出来Elvis year是什么意思了吧。

Elvis year refers to the year in which a product, person, or phenomenon peaks in popularity. It can also refer to a person’s 42nd year of life, the age that Elvis Presley died, in certain context.

猫王年(Elvis year)指某个产品、某人或者某种现象最为盛行的那一年。另外,在特定语境下,这个表达也可以用来指代人们42岁那一年,猫王就是在42岁那一年辞世的。

A similar term is Jesus year, a person’s 33rd year of life, the age that Jesus is said to have been when he died.

与之类似的一个表达是耶稣年(Jesus year),指人们33岁那一年,据说是耶稣辞世时的年纪。

For example:

He is past his Jesus year, but has yet to hit his Elvis year in his career.


The year 2005 is the Elvis year of the “Super Girl”.

