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rear window culture 后窗文化


Many people like to put stickers or posters on the rear window of their car, which can show the unique personality of the car owner and start a new trend known as “rear window culture.”


There are different types of posters people like to put on their rear windows. Some are warning the vehicles running behind them, such as “Don't follow me, I lost my way too,” “Baby in car” and “Stop pursuing, I'm married.”


Some are just making jokes of themselves, such as “Newbie on road, no threatening please,” “Oops, I don't know which one is the brake pedal,” or “After you.”

有些则是自我调侃,如“新手上路,禁止恐吓”、 “脚底哪个板板是刹车?”、 “新手龟速,你走先……”等。
