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workout impostor 假装锻炼族


A workout impostor is someone who walks around in workout or gym-like clothing to give the effect that they have worked out or gone to the gym today or are planning to work out or go to the gym today when in reality they have not or are not going to. 

Workout impostor指穿着体育锻炼或健身的服装四处走动,让人感觉他们刚锻炼完或者正准备去锻炼,而实际上,他们根本没有去锻炼也没有这个打算。我们可以说他们是“假装锻炼族”。

One usually does this to take a selfie and share it on social network or to make oneself feel better about their physique, while in reality they have done nothing to keep fit today.

