Nearly 40 years after her death, Marilyn Monroe remains the world's most famous blonde. Though she made just 30 movies in 15 years, she is the subject of more than 50 books, far more than any other screen star. And there has been no one like her—beautiful, sexual, and at the same time, vulnerable. This made her famous, and this brought her trouble. Even We know the many sad details—the suicide attempts, drug addiction, the affairs and failed marriages, the damaging relationships. This is a story of a poor kid who made it in Hollywood and delightedly captured3 the world, who seemed to have it all but couldn t find happiness.
When Dougherty left in 1944, Norma Jean got a job in an army factory. One day an army photographer5 took some pictures of her. The results were so good that within months she quit her job to become a professional photographer's model. The 5'5" woman with a beautiful figure and dark hair became a blonde. She posed in swimsuits and shorts for hundreds of calendars, ads, and magazines. 在逝去了近40年后,玛丽莲-梦露依然是闻名于世的第一金发美女。尽管15年只拍了30部电影,她却是50多本著作的主角,这在影坛还无人能及。没有人像她那样集美貌性感于一身,同时却又内心脆弱,这使她声名鹊起,却又让她陷入麻烦。即使红得发紫,玛丽莲-梦露也未能从事业或爱情上得到长久的安慰或欢乐,而这正是她短暂一生的可悲之处。 我们都已经知道她许多伤感的往事——多次企图自杀、靠药物为生、绯闻、失败的婚姻以及毁灭性的关系。这是一个穷孩子的故事,她闯进好莱坞并用快乐征服了全世界;她似乎拥有了一切,却没有找到幸福。 这个小女孩是个私生女,1926年6月1日出生于洛杉矶的一家医院,取名诺玛-琴-莫藤森。诺玛-琴出生后不久,父亲就把她寄养在别人家里。1942年6月19日,16岁生日后的第4个星期,诺玛-琴嫁给了21岁的邻居詹姆斯-道格迪。 |