201 When we hit 40,000 feet, the shuttle will detach, ascend... 202 ...and then fire the first of two propellant systems, the liquid fuel boosters. 203 When the shuttle reaches the stratosphere... 204 ...the secondary insertion booster will fire... 205 ...propelling the craft at 4gs into the mesosphere. 206 - Careful. - I know. 207 - Careful. Careful. - I know. 208 Wow, that's really something, Lex. 209 Wait for it. 210 Wow, that's really something, Lex. 211 It's freaking Gone With the Wind. 212 - Shut off the camera. - But I'm getting it. 213 I said, shut off the damn camera. 214 I think I did something wrong. 215 No. That wasn't you. 216 Ignition is at T minus one minute and we are prepping for separation. 217 CDR., start the clock. 218 Three minutes and counting. 219 Body signs normal. Crew is looking good. 220 Shuttle readouts are holding steady. 221 - We're still a go for launch. - Roger. 222 - Houston, you copy? - Houston, do you copy? 223 Oh, God. 224 Electrical variance. 225 What the...? 226 Please, there's nothing to worry about. 227 It seems that we are experiencing a slight power outage. 228 - What did you do? - It wasn't me. It just cycled back up. 229 Genesis, radio check from Houston. 230 There we have it. We were experiencing a power outage. 231 - Climbing to 40,000 feet. - Roger, 40,000 feet. 232 And it's gone! A blazing fastball... 233 Is that it? 234 I don't think so. 235 Dual engine failure, but they're up and running again. 236 Genesis, I hate to say this, but it looks like we're gonna have to scrub the launch. 237 - Aborting booster ignition. - Roger. Aborting booster ignition. 238 Boosters are non-responsive. We're still counting down for ignition. 239 - Platform, we have a problem. - Go. 240 Looks like something faulted during the power outage. 241 Both boosters are counting down for ignition. 242 Platform, you have 30 seconds. 243 - What? - Release couplings. 244 We can't shut down boosters. 245 We should be able to manage the launch and recover to the emergency field. 246 T minus 23 seconds to ignition. 247 Genesis, you're a go for evac procedures. 248 Twenty-one, 20... 249 ...19... 250 Couplings are non-responsive. |