951 I don't know if you can hear me. 952 I wanted to tell you... 953 Come on, honey. 954 Step back, please! 955 Lex, we only have six of those! 956 Six? 957 I would trade 300,000 coconuts... 958 ...and every ounce of your blood... 959 ...for a quart of gasoline! 960 But what will we have to eat? 961 You will be different. 962 Sometimes, you will feel like an outcast. 963 But you'll never be alone. 964 You will make my strength your own. 965 You will see my life through your eyes... 966 ...as your life will be seen through mine. 967 The son becomes the father... 968 ...and the father becomes the son. 969 Good night! 970 I... 971 Will we see you? 972 Around? 973 I'm always around. 974 Good night, Lois.