351 Sorry I couldn't make it home on time. 352 -Chris, I missed my shift. -Yeah, I know. I'm sorry about that. 353 Look, I'm on my way right now. Are you all right with Christopher? 354 I'm leaving. Chris, I'm leaving. 355 -What? -Did you hear what I said? 356 I have my things together, and I'm taking our son... 357 ...and we're gonna leave now. 358 I'm gonna put the phone down. 359 -Linda, wait a minute. Hold it, hold-- -I'm going to leave. We are leaving. 360 It was right then that I started thinking about Thomas Jefferson... 361 ...the Declaration of Independence... 362 ...and the part about our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 363 And I remember thinking: 364 How did he know to put the "pursuit" part in there? 365 That maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue. 366 And maybe we can actually never have it... 367 ...no matter what. 368 How did he know that? 369 Linda. Linda. 370 -Hello? -Chris. 371 -Who is this? -Jay Twistle. 372 -Hey. -Dean Witter. 373 Yeah, of course. How are you? 374 I'm fine. Listen, do you still wanna come in and talk? 375 Yes, sir. Absolutely. 376 I'll tell you what. Come on by day after tomorrow, in the morning. 377 We're interviewing for the internships. You got a pen and paper? 378 Yes. Yes, I do. 379 -Hold on one second. -All right. 380 Hello? 381 -Chris? -Go ahead. I have one. 382 Write this number down so you can call my secretary, Janice. 383 -She can give you all the specifics. -Yep. 384 -Okay, 41 5. -41 5. 385 -864. -864. 386 -0256. -0256. 387 -Yeah, extension 4796. -4796. 388 -Right. Call her tomorrow. -Yes, sir. 41 5-864-0256. 389 -Okay, buddy. -All right, yes. 390 -Thank you very much. -We'll see you soon. 391 864-0256. 392 4796. Janice. 393 -Chris. -Hey. 394 Did you--? Have you seen Linda and Christopher? 395 -No. You catch the game last night? -No, no. 396 You didn't see that, 1 1 8, 1 --? 397 Excuse me, did Linda and Christopher come in here? 398 -No, I haven't see them. -1 1 9-1 20. Double overtime. 399 Moons hits a three-pointer at 1 7 seconds left. 400 Wayne, Wayne, Wayne. |