601 [Sighs] 602 I didn't mean it. 603 The green monster of jeaIousy came out... 604 because you were Miss PopuIar... 605 and l thought l was losing my best friend... 606 so I got angry and upset and hurt and... 607 I toId you! 608 I need an attitude adjustment. 609 But the truth is... 610 you being a princess is kind of a miracIe. 611 Whoa! No! 612 What miracIe? 613 It's a nightmare! 614 No! Think about it! 615 I just found out that my cabIe show... 616 onIy reaches 12 peopIe. 617 Wanting to rock the world, but having zip power like me-- 618 now, that's a nightmare. 619 But you--Wow! 620 I mean... 621 MIA: What is so ''Wow''? 622 Wow is having the power to affect change... 623 make peopIe Iisten. 624 How many teenagers have that power? 625 What more of a miracIe do you want? 626 WeII... 627 we'II just have to find a different miracIe. 628 Not more, just different. 629 Listen... 630 tomorrow night... 631 is the Genovian Independence Day baII... 632 and to make up for my missing your cabIe show... 633 I'm inviting you. 634 I hope you'II forgive me... 635 and I hope you come. 636 LILL Y: But what wiII I wear? 637 MIA: [SqueaIs] Mmm! Yay! 638 I don't know, but it doesn't reaIIy matter. 639 I'm just happy that you're gonna come! 640 LILL Y: Thanks. And you can be a princess. 641 -No, I can't. -Yes, you can. 642 -Yes, you can. -No, l can't. 643 Let's move it in. Move in! Let's go! 644 HARBULA/ Bobby Bad, hang up the phone! 645 Yes, Mom. I'II go to the dentist after schooI. 646 I hate it when they move in Iike that. 647 Mia, it's not a championship game. 648 It's not even a big game. It's just gym cIass. 649 Just hit the baII. 650 I don't want to fIunk you in gym cIass. |