951 ''Teen Scene'' magazine. 952 Oh, good, good. 953 MAN/ The queen has entered. 954 [Repeating in different Ianguages] 955 Do we have any news on the Von Troken matter? 956 It'II be decided tonight, ma'am. 957 I'm afraid so. 958 Where is she?! 959 She went somewhere! I know nothing! 960 Nothing? Come here. 961 Oh, what? What? 962 TaIk to me. 963 She went that way, then that way. 964 Two minutes ago. 965 Thank you very much. 966 Do we have any probIems? 967 No. Everything's perfect. 968 Perfect. It's wonderfuI. 969 You're not very good at Iying, CharIotte. 970 No, I'm not, Your Majesty. 971 But the garden Iooks beautifuI. 972 Thank you. 973 [Engine racing] 974 Come on, baby. You can make it. 975 Yes, come on! Yes! 976 No. Come on, baby. 977 Baby, pIease, come on. 978 [Engine staIIs] 979 [Ignition sputtering] 980 CHARLO TTE/ There's no answer at Princess Mia's house... 981 and I couIdn't get Joseph on the ceII phone. 982 There's too much static from the storm. 983 The press is starting to compIain... 984 about making their deadIines. 985 [Sighs] 986 If she's not here in 10 minutes, I'II make the announcement. 987 CHARLO TTE/ Yes, ma'am. 988 It's OK. She'II be fine. 989 She's gonna get here. 990 Is this punishment for driving without... 991 a Iicensed driver in the front seat?! 992 [Thunder] 993 I am invisibIe and I am wet. 994 The press was wondering if it wouId be possibIe-- 995 No. No interviews untiI Iater in the evening. 996 Yes, ma'am. 997 SUKl/ And we're meeting Baroness and Baron Von Troken. 998 Is it true if the teenager refuses the princess-ship... 999 your famiIy wiII take over the country of Genovia? 1000 Yes. They must have a Iegitimate... |