1101 We're all gonna die. 1102 Whatever you do, stay out of the water! 1103 -Stay out of the water. -Don't go in the water! 1104 Lovelace, don't go in the water! 1105 Lovelace, hang in there! 1106 Hang in there! 1107 Get your dirty tongue off him! 1108 No, no, no! 1109 Stay out of the water! 1110 -Mumble! -Mumble! 1111 -They playing birdminton? -No, it's a show. Dinner and a show. 1112 Lovelace! 1113 Rejoice! 1114 Lovelace! 1115 -Help! -Reach out! 1116 Thank you, my brother, thank you! 1117 I wasn't scared! I wasn't scared! 1118 Oh, my beautiful brother, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! 1119 -Go, Lovelace! You the man! -Go, go, go, go, go! 1120 Enough! 1121 It's a bad day for you! 1122 You dealing with Lovelace now! 1123 -And my man, Mumble, here. -You tell them, Lovelace. 1124 Begone, demon fish. Adios. 1125 That's right. 1126 You hightail it back to your mamas. 1127 -How did he do that? -Don't make me come in the water. 1128 I'll come after your sons and daughters. 1129 I'm gonna give you the bad eye. 1130 A whole bunch of them. 1131 They gonna rule the world. 1132 It's gotta be them. 1133 -lf it is, I don't wanna know about it. -They don't even know we exist. 1134 Let me tell something to you. 1135 This is the end of the road. It's over. 1136 You did everything penguinly possible. 1137 -You found the aliens. -We gonna testify to that. 1138 We'll tell your whole laughing-boy nation they were dead wrong about you. 1139 Now, let's all go back home. Right now. 1140 Right on. 1141 -Could I ask a favor of you? -Sure. 1142 -What kind of favor? -Could you make sure Gloria's okay? 1143 -And my ma. -What? 1144 And if you see Pa... 1145 ...tell him I tried. 1146 Okay, what you talking about? 1147 I'm gonna stop them taking our fish. 1148 How you gonna do that, Mumble? 1149 Adios, amigos! 1150 Amigo! He did it. |