301 It needs something... else. What do you think, honey? 302 - More bells? - OK. 303 Mom, do you really think we should be having this party? 304 Of course I think we should be having this party. 305 It's just what we need to calm things down... and everything'll go back to normal. 306 Do you have any more bells, honey? 307 Now you've done it. 308 It's just a scratch, Jim, really. It's OK. 309 - Touch her again and I'll kill ya. - It's no big deal. 310 - Call a doctor. He skewered Kim. - No! 311 Stay away from her. I mean it! 312 You can't touch anything without ruining it. Why do you hang around here anyway? 313 I want you to sit right down and wait for me to bring you some ice. 314 Stay right there. I'll be right back. 315 " On Christmas day in the morning 316 Get the hell outta here! 317 Get the hell out! Go! Freak! 318 Hey, Edward, where are you going? 319 Where is he? 320 - He tried to hurt you. - He did not, and you know it. 321 Are you nuts? I just saw him! 322 Jim, I don't love you any more. I just want you to go, OK? Just go! 323 Are you serious? 324 And lose you to that? He isn't even human. 325 Just get out of here, OK? Just go! 326 Dad, did you see where Edward went? 327 I don't know. He just waltzed down the street. 328 - We have to find him, Mom. - Your father will find him. 329 Go on in the house. I'll take care of it. 330 I'll go find him. 331 Edward! 332 I'm calling the police! 333 See all that blood, sweetie? And it's just a little cut. 334 Hello. I'm here to see the man with the hands. 335 He's not here. Thank you. 336 Oh, dear. 337 Helen, did you actually see him? 338 Yes! Look! 339 I'm looking for the man with the scissors. 340 - Thank God you're here. - He went right down that way, sir. 341 All right, calm down. Go on home. We'll handle it. 342 Just go home. 343 - A demon. A demon. - You gotta do something! 344 I'm sure your father'll find him soon. 345 What time is it? 346 It's almost 8:30. Great party, huh? 347 Mom, where are they? 348 - God, I hope he's OK. - So do l, honey. 349 You know, when I brought Edward down here to live with us, 350 I really didn't think things through. |