151 Good afternoon, Your Majesty. 152 How is your grandson, the dauphin? 153 He's off hunting the stag. 154 She doesn't seem the least bit interested in him. 155 She is Austrian. They're not exactly the warmest people. 156 But it's true. Her brother Joseph is so cold. He's an awful man. 157 They say in Austria, that she was with child... 158 What a hunt today. 159 I'm exhausted. 160 Would you like some meat? 161 Your Royal Highness... 162 ...handing out cold meats to a hunting party... 163 ...is not the most becoming conduct for a future queen of France. 164 I was just trying to be a nice wife for the dauphin's hunt. 165 Surely there's no harm in that. 166 And I received a letter from your mother warning you not to ride... 167 ...as this is one of the leading causes of miscarriages. 168 Well, as everyone knows, there's no danger of that. 169 And it's not my fault. 170 Do you realize the consequences of an unconsummated royal marriage? 171 That it could be annulled? 172 Your mother has asked that you take this matter very seriously. 173 And do everything in your power... 174 ...to inspire the dauphin. 175 I'll do what I can. 176 Of course I want to please the dauphin and my mother. 177 You'll have no influence over the king and dauphin without a pregnancy. 178 Madame, you have the alliance to consider. 179 Letting everyone down would be my greatest unhappiness. 180 I am pleased madame is taking this seriously. 181 Oh, is Mops on his way? 182 I'm working on it... 183 ...but Your Royal Highness has more pressing matters to attend to. 184 Oh, and I received this letter from your mother. 185 Dearest Antoinette: 186 It is clear that the heart of your problems in your new home... 187 ...is your inability to inspire sexual passion in your husband. 188 There is no reason a girl with so many charms as you... 189 ...should be in this situation. 190 Remember, you represent the future... 191 ...and nothing is certain about your place there... 192 ...until the final physical act to crown the Franco-Austrian alliance... 193 ...is performed. 194 It's cold. 195 It is a bit chilly. Shall I get you a blanket? 196 No. It's okay. 197 Are those your feet? They're like icicles. 198 Well... 199 ...sleep well. 200 Thank you. |