英文名:Wall.E 皮克斯公司的支柱约翰·拉赛特介绍剧情是这样的: “WALL-E is the story of the last little robot on Earth. He is a robot and his programming was to help clean up. You see, it's set way in the future. Through consumerism, rampant, unchecked consumerism, the Earth was covered with trash. And to clean up, everyone had to leave Earth and set in place millions of these little robots that went around to clean up the trash and make Earth habitable again. Well, the cleanup program failed with the exception of this one little robot and he's left on Earth doing his duty all alone. But it's not a story about science fiction. It's a love story, because, you see, WALL·E falls in love with EVE, a robot from a probe that comes down to check on Earth, and she's left there to check on and see how things are going and he absolutely falls in love with her.” “WALL· E”是Waste Allocation Load Lifters - Earth(地球废品分装员)的缩写,这种职业出现在2700年,因为地球的垃圾多到爆炸,整个星球几乎被垃圾掩埋了,罪魁祸首-人类-只得移居到太空船上,并且请一家叫Buynlarge公司清除地球的垃圾,待万物更新时再飞回地球安居。Buynlarge公司把这种叫WALL· E的机器人大批送往地球捡垃圾,但WALL· E并不适合地球的环境,大批量地来也大批量地坏,最后只剩下一个机器人还在日复一日的按照程序收拾废品。就这么过了几百年,仅存的WALL· E还在垃圾堆里淘到不少人造宝贝,它也开始有了自我意识,懂得什么是孤独。有一天一艘飞船突然降落,一个女机器人夏娃来到地球执行搜寻任务,捡垃圾的机器人“爱”上了Eve,但是它面临着两难的抉择,是跟夏娃飞离地球,还是继续按照身体里的程序捡一辈子的垃圾… |