爱思英语编者按:如果你还不知道skype是什么,那么你就彻底地out了。因为现在狗都在用它聊天了。日前一段视频爆红,一只叫Gaytor的美国小狗和叫Basil英国小狗在skype上视频,聊得可起劲了。 Calling Dog! The adorable moment two dogs appear to Skype each other internationally Two dogs are out to show that Skype has no limit. An adorable video of a wire haired fox terrier named Gaytor seen howling at a laptop shows what the dog's Washington state owner claims clearly displays his charismatic abilities on a phone. Appearing to have a howl with another terrier in the U.K., the dogs similarly twitch their long, boxy snouts and pull their heads back in song throughout their alluded discussion – with no foreign accents detected. Calling dog: Gaytor, a wire haired fox terrier, is seen sitting on his owner's sofa in Washington state while appearing to share a howl with another dog filmed in the U.K. International call: Gaytor easily howls back at the other dog named Basil who lives in the U.K. while both appear like they're using the online program Skype as the video's owner alludes 'When he isn't constantly growling, or being a butt head, he enjoys skyping other dogs,' Washington owner Ali Wasel wrote with her video uploaded this week. But what's left for last in her description, is that the video showed to her dog was one already published on YouTube. But that dog’s inspiring song and chant didn’t stop with Gaytor. After watching Basil's video, YouTube user Maghamcdowll wrote of it also catching their terrier's ear. 'I have a smooth hair fox terrier, and he loved this video. He even sang along,' the user wrote six months ago, potentially inspiring Gaytor's own recorded rendition. Despite the illusion of Gaytor meeting a new friend, viewers have praised his singing in the comment's section while one viewer light-heartedly notes: 'Looks like they got into an argument at the end there.'