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Can foreigners enjoy mooncakes?



Editor’s Note: With the Mid-Autumn Festival a couple of days away, many of us turn our thoughts to mooncakes and the celebrations that we will have. As thousands of types of mooncake are now available, what are your favorite flavors? Can foreigners really enjoy mooncakes? Let’s see our forum readers’ answers.

messi30 (US)

I’m sure I will get some mooncakes from my neighbors and Chinese relatives as every year, well, I will try it again.

What I never will understand is the high prices in these cakes. I think people mostly pay for the good and attractive packing than the cakes.

kyosan (US)

I like the ones with lotus filling and no eggs. I generally don't eat things that sweet but with lotus cakes I make an exception.

canadianpaul (Canada)

I must admit that moon cakes are the only Chinese food I dislike. I've eaten at many Shanghai and Suzhou restaurants and always enjoyed every meal, but mooncakes are another story ... Not for me!

Alex2010 (Germany)

I just can't stand mooncakes. Most are way too sweet for me...and some have strange fillings. I try to avoid them each year...Only giving them to others as presents, but I don't eat them myself....only 1-2 maybe....if I have to.

Boilermaker21 (US)

I find that I do not like the traditional flavored moon cakes very much. I am ok with red bean paste, but I am not a fan of salted duck egg yolks.

kongque (Australia)

I like the mooncakes with bean and lotus - no egg - washed down with strong, black, no sugar, Italian espresso coffee to contrast the sweetness of the mooncake. Tradition with a buzz.

timbatu (US)

The thing called mooncake is a baked pie. Do you agree?
