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A book made of human skin…. and 5 other bizarre items owned by American colleges

University libraries in America have a wide variety of first edition books, ground-breaking research and comfortable chairs for tired scholars to nap on. But for those looking for more adventure, they often have stranger fare tucked away in a dusty forgotten corner. Here are a list of American colleges’ more special collections.

1. Book Bound in Human Skin 人皮书


The Houghton Library at Harvard University have a copy of the French book Des destinees de l'ame that has a grizzly personal touch. The book was bound in the skin taken from an unclaimed deceased patient using a technique known as anthropodermic bibliopegy. The book itself is said to be a meditation of life after death, a perfect theme for its creepy cover.
哈佛大学的霍顿图书馆收藏了一本法国著作——《灵魂的命运》(Des destinees de l'ame)。这本书摸上去毛毛的,就像摸着人皮一样。这本书的书皮的确用人皮做成,它们来自一个无名的病人,制造的技术就叫人皮制书(anthropodermic bibliopegy.)。这是一本关于死后灵魂和生命的冥想书籍——这个主题倒也跟令人毛骨悚热的封皮相配。

2. Wilder Brain Collection“怀德”大脑展


The Cornell University Department of Psychology has an macabre exhibit dedicated to the most important of human organs—the brain. The Wilder Brain collection can be viewed in the school’s Uris Hall and carries the gray matter of numerous notable figures including the mind of the collection’s founder, Cornell Professor of Anatomy Burt Green Wilder.
康奈尔大学的心理学系有着史上最骇人的展览——人体最重要的器官,大脑。你可以在尤里斯大厅(Uris Hall)“欣赏”这些藏品,它们都是从众多重要人物身上取下来的“灰色物体”。其中一枚大脑就是收藏系列的创始人——康奈尔大学解剖学教授:Burt Green Wilder。

3. University of Tennessee Body Farm 田纳西大学的“人体农场”


Chances are you’ll smell before you see what’s behind the University of Tennessee Medical Center in Knoxville, Tennessee. The multi-acre plot of land is home to the school’s Anthropological Research Facility, more commonly known as its Body Farm. More than a hundred human bodies lay exposed in the facility which was designed to study the decomposition of human remains.

4. The Voynich Manuscript 伏尼契手稿


Yale University has an entire library dedicated to rare and unique works, but probably none are more mysterious than the Voynich Manuscript. Acquired by a Polish book dealer in 1912, the centuries-old book was donated to Yale University in the 1960s. It still stands as one of most famous cases in cryptography. In decades of study, by both professional and amateur codebreakers, no one yet has been able to decipher it. But maybe you can be the one to crack the code.

5. Puppetry Collection 木偶收藏


The University of California, Santa Barbara is known for its wild parties, laidback attitude and location right on the Pacific Ocean. However, its library also has its own share of special collections, most notably one on the ancient art of puppetry. The Betsy Brown Puppetry Collection has pretty much anything and everything on puppets and puppetry, including programs of puppet shows, scores of puppet periodicals and, of course, plenty of the marionettes themselves.
加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校一向都以疯狂的派对、懒散的作风和毗邻太平洋的绝妙地理位置著名。不过同样出了名的还有图书馆中独特的藏品——古代木偶艺术的代表。Betsy Brown木偶系列囊括了各式各样的、几乎所有种类的木偶和木偶艺术,其中包括木偶戏、一叠叠的木偶期刊,还有琳琅满目的牵线木偶。

6. The Skull of Phineas Gage费尼斯•盖吉(PHINEAS GAGE)的头颅


The Countway Library of Medicine, associated with Harvard and Boston Universities, has an exhibit dedicated to the curious case of Phineas Gage. Gage was working on a railroad when an explosion blew an iron straight through his head, destroying much of the left side of his brain. Amazingly, Gage not only survived, but was able to walk to get treatment and answer questions almost immediately after the accident. Gage’s skull, along with the iron that made him famous, was donated after his death and passed on for public viewing at the library.
哈佛大学和波士顿大学联合的Countway医学博物馆里有一件奇特的藏品——费尼斯•盖吉(Phineas Gage)的头颅。盖吉是个铁路工人,不幸在一次爆炸事故中被一根铁棍击穿头颅,导致他左半边大脑严重损伤。神奇的是,盖吉不仅活了下来,而且在事故发生后有能力步行前去治疗,甚至能够回答问题。这个被铁棍穿过的头盖骨,在盖吉死后被捐到了图书馆,供公众参观。


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