论手机壳的重要性 3万米坠落肾6安然无恙
爱思英语编者按:在一场严峻的坠落测试中,从10万英尺高空(3万480米)掉下来得以幸存。不可思议的连续镜头显示了爱疯设备在70英里/小时的风速和零下56度的温度中都能幸存下来! The iPhone 6 has survived an severe drop test after falling 100,000ft (30,480 metres) from the edge of space. 在一场严峻的坠落测试中,从10万英尺高空(3万480米)掉下来得以幸存。 Incredible footage reveals the device surviving 70 mph winds and temperatures reaching below -56°C. 不可思议的连续镜头显示了爱疯设备在70英里/小时的风速和零下56度的温度中都能幸存下来! The stunt was undertaken by California-based Urban Armor Gear, who sent the iPhone 6 to space in November, and has now released footage of the event. 这是由加利福尼亚“城市装甲设备”实施的这次绝技,他们在11月把爱疯6送上了高空,如今发布了这项实录的英尺高度。 Along with a protective case, the phone was equipped with a parachute, a balloon, a GPS locator and a rig that included two GoPro cameras. 连同防护套一起,爱疯装备上了降落伞,一个气球,一个GPS定位器和两个极限运动专用相机设备。 'Our cases already meet military drop-test standards, but now we can officially say that they are space tested as well,' said Steve Armstrong, co-founder of Urban Armor Gear.’ “我们的外壳已符合军事降落测试标准,但是如今我们可以正式宣布,它们也通过空间测试了。”城市装甲设备的共同创立者史蒂芬·阿姆斯特朗说。 The iPhone was protected by an Urban Armor composite case which claims to provide 'military-grade protection'. 爱疯被“城市装甲设备复合外壳”——号称是提供“军事级别保护”的外壳保护着。 Due to the cold weather, the silver iPhone 6 shut off and froze following launch. 由于天气寒冷,东北银爱疯6在着陆后关机并冰冻了。 But despite not having a screen protector, it still managed to come out unscathed, and was fully functional after landing. 不过虽然屏幕没有保护套,爱疯仍然毫发无伤的设法着陆了,并且在降落后功能无损。 |