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买二手手机成名人 “橘子哥”红遍中美网络



买二手手机成名人 “橘子哥”红遍中美网络

The story of the lost iPhone winding up in China has turned both an American and a Chinese man into online celebrities overnight on Chinese social media.


The microblog user, named "Bro Orange Who Does Not Sell Oranges", has attracted more than 30,000 fans on Sina weibo, a Chinese Twitter-like social network, since the start of the lost iPhone saga.


The "romance" started last February when Stopera, a writer for Buzzfeed, lost his iPhone in New York. His life was peaceful until Feb 5, 2015, when he found pictures of a strange Chinese man appearing on his phone's photo stream.


Looking at photos from the stream, Stopera watched the life of this seemingly random Chinese man. Everything from what this man likes to eat, where he hangs around and who he meets. Stopera dubbed the man "Bro Orange".


Turns out Stopera's iPhone was transported to China and the photos of the new owner were sent to his iCloud account. Stopera immediately cut off the iCloud connection and made his lost phone dysfunctional with the help of the Apple store employees.


Stopera published his lost iPhone story on Buzzfeed.com. It was picked up by Chinese netizens and the story took off. Within one day of his story appearing in China, netizens were able to find "Bro Orange".


买二手手机成名人 “橘子哥”红遍中美网络

Chinese Netizens were able to find a single man in a country of 1.3 billion people based off the details of a few photos.


Stopera was wowed by the response and even wrote a follow up post regarding his phone, "How I became a minor celebrity in China (after my stolen phone ended up there)".


Netizen Libin Feng said the story sounded crazy.


An internet user, Jakob Liam Kristensen responded by saying, "The Chinese netizens make Redditors look like kindergarteners when it comes to the power of crowd sourcing."

网络用户Jakob Liam Kristensen就这件事回应说,“当人肉搜索的力量变强大的时候,中国网民让红迪网的用户们看上去像幼儿园的老师。

According to Stopera's weibo and latest Buzzfeed update, he and "Bro Orange" are planning to meet up.

