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In appearance Virgo people fall into two types, the typically “earth sign type,” and the “mental Mercury type.” The earth-sing type is homely, with a head far too large for the body. The body is strong and healthy, but ungraceful and badly proportioned. Knock-knees, bow-legs, and shoulders of uneven height are often found in the Virgo physique. Coloring and features are nondescript. The nose, 

frequently the outstanding feature in the Virgo face, is unshapely, very broad and primitive in type. 

The higher type of Virgo person is somewhat better formed, with a neater figure, and smaller, more precise features. 

The plain durability of the Virgo appearance suggests the life work and methods of livelihood for which these people are best suited. The high type Virgoan makes a good statistician, efficiency expert, tutor, teacher, agent for estates, broker (within limits), and lawyer for collections, contracts and wills. The less developed types make good routine civil service workers, especially in the health and investigation departments. 

Women born in the sign of Virgo are as precise, hard-working and trustworthy as their brothers in the sign. They are very satisfactory as clerical workers, housekeepers, seamstresses and buyers of foodstuffs. (END)
