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THE BRIGHT SIDE The Virgo personality is marked by a very sharp intellect which is used to analyse the natural order of things. Virgos generally tend to be methodical and precise, being drawn only to such knowledge as can be applied usefully. They will happily share this with anyone, however, as it confirms their own usefulness in the world, and brings them out of their normally reserved shells, eager as they are to play their part. 

Caution is another Virgo trait which, if positively used, bestows on those under this Sun sign a fine sense of discrimination between the practical and the fanciful. They will usually develop skills which will enable them to improve themselves and their immediate surroundings, and place great pride in tangible achievements. 

THE DARKER SIDE In their urge to categorize the mechanics of life and the forces that hold them together, Virgos can become obsessed with the notion of order. Anything that upsets this harmony and understanding potentially exposes them to fear of the unknown. For Virgos, there is a place for everything and everything has to have its place: and they will do anything to achieve this. 

Virgos are typically labeled as perfectionists. But their concern with high standards has little bearing on the pursuit of ideals; it is more a reflection of a need to have a tight grip on their environment. Virgos will also tend to immerse themselves in the minutest details of how something works in order to enrich their understanding. 






(Penny 编译)
