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爱思英语编者按:《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)第七季第6集里,Howard做了一件非常浪漫的事——为Bernadette写了一首歌纪念他们约会一周年!此曲一出,令万千大爆炸剧迷争相寻找“Bernadette之歌”的歌曲和歌词。


歌曲背景:《Bernadette之歌 (伯妮之歌) 》就是Raj的前女友扮演者凯特·米库契 (Kate Micucci) 所在的小清新组合“Garfunkel & Oates”写的,这个两人组合的另一位大家也不会陌生,就是之前扮演Sheldon的那个“脑残粉”——瑞琪·琳德赫姆 (Riki Lindhome)!


如果身旁没有你If I didn't have you *
生活无趣失重心Life would be blue *
《神秘博士》没话亭I'd be Dr. Who without the TARDIS *
也像蜡烛没灯芯A candle without a wick *
沃森没了克里克A Watson without a Crick *
像我衣服少领结I'd be one of my outfits without a dick-ie *
起司没有通心面I'd be cheese without the mac *
像乔布斯没搭档Jobs without the Wozniak *
没有了你就像是I'd be solving exponential equations *
用少底的计算器 来解指数方程式That use bases not found on your calculator *
像个原子没有弹I'd be an atom without a bomb *

像个点儿少了康A dot without the com *
而且还在跟妈住And I'd probably still live with my mom *
他还会在跟妈住And he'd probably still live with his mom *
打从初次遇见你 一切天翻又地覆Ever since I met you, you turned my world around *
我的梦想与希望 都有你在支持我You supported all my dreams and all my hopes *
你若是那铀235 那我就是铀238 You're like uranium-235 and I'm uranium-238 *
难分离的同位素Almost inseparable isotopes *
我从没能想象到I couldn't have imagined *
此生能如此幸福How good my life would get *而我幸福的起点From the moment *
是在初次遇见你That I met you *

如果身旁没有你If I didn't have you *
百无聊赖失寄托Life would be dreary *
像弦理论失了弦I'd be string theory without any string *
二进位中少了1 I'd be binary code without a one *
阴极射线管没枪A cathode ray tube without an electron gun *
《萤火虫》《巴菲》《复联》没了导演乔斯•惠登 *I'd be Firefly, Buffy and Avengers without Joss Whedon *
会多说克林贡语I'd speak a lot more Klingon *
黄道吉日今宜死Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam *
他还会在跟妈住And he'd definitely still live with his mom *
打从初次遇见你 一切天翻又地覆Ever since I met you, you turned my world around *
当我挚爱与挚友You're my best friend and my lover *
要电动才能生磁 而磁变才会生电We're like changing electric and magnetic fields *
如果没有了对方You can't have one *
只有自己便不行Without the other *
我从没能想象到I couldn't have imagined *
此生能如此幸福How good my life would get *
而我幸福的起点 是在初次遇见你From the moment that I met you *
伯纳黛特Bernadette *
我们从没想象到Oh, we couldn't have imagined *
此生能如此幸福How good our lives would get *
我们幸福的起点是在初次遇见你From the moment that we met you *
